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is when he’s on a drunk
就是当他喝醉时  detail>>
he was drunk to the world
他已烂醉如泥  detail>>
he must be either mad or drunk
他要么是疯了要么是喝醉了  detail>>
and when he knew for certain
他确实知道  detail>>
he is terrible when roused
他被激怒时样子真可怕  detail>>
laughing when he grumbled
当听到他咕哝时 笑了起来  detail>>
when he came into sight
当我的视线触到他的身影 ,  detail>>
when he dances
当他跳舞的时候  detail>>
when he did it is a mystery
他什么时候干了这件事是个谜  detail>>
when he passes me by
当他从我身边穿过时  detail>>
when he travelled time
当他为了人类的未来  detail>>
when is he expected to be back
他什么时候回来  detail>>
when will he be back
他何时回来  detail>>
be drunk
喝醉  detail>>
be drunk with
醉心于  detail>>
be on a drunk
喝醉  detail>>
 adj. 〔多用作表语〕 1.酒醉的。 2.陶醉于 (with)。  短语和例子   be drunk wi...  detail>>
and when he sleeps he calls her name
他在睡梦中叫着她的名字  detail>>